Title: All in a Day's Work Author: abracadabra Email Address: abracadabra1754@hotmail.com Rating: PG (PG is the copyright of the MPAA, no infringement intended.) Category: S, V Spoilers: None Keywords: M Summary: An outsider's view. Feedback: Yes, please. Archive: Yes, please let me know where. Disclaimer: The usual about Mulder and David Duchovny's portrayal of the character being the sole property of 1013, Fox and Chris Carter. Thanks: Denise and Kim Date: June 25, 2005 All in a Day's Work ~**~**~**~ DC Area Saturday Morning, 10:00am She shuffles tiredly into the employee lounge, such as it is, and hangs her coat haphazardly on the brass wall hook. A quick check in front of the full length mirror assures her that hair, make-up and polished suit are all acceptable. Her third day -- first weekend on the job and she still has quite a bit to learn about sales for a discrete and discerning clientele; mostly high-powered, business women and men who want to look sharp but don't want any sharp looks. Her five previous years in L.A. gave her experience with the non-governmental, but equally discretely discerning client. The soft chime above the glass and wood-paneled main door tells her their first customer has arrived and Elise calls softly to her supervisor. She thinks of him as Chalk Stripe Man, regardless of the fact that his clothing varies from fine sandy gabardine khakis and cashmere v-neck to the deepest charcoal one-button, jacketed suit. His choice of a clichéd navy and white wideish pinstripe suit for her interview nearly had her choking back a snort of laughter. Chalk Stripe Man, also known as William Grovenor, runs a hand through his curiously blond salt and pepper hair and admonishes her quietly to take her station. Elise adjusts her jacket once more and heads for the small mahogany cologne counter that divides the men's and women's clothing areas. She's tried to tell Mr. Grovenor that she's had retail experience in men's wear, but he refuses to even let her demonstrate her skills. So, she does the next best thing; she mentally dresses and accessorizes some of the customers. Well, okay, she admits to herself, there have been two men she spent much more time mentally *un*dressing. And whoa, Betty, she thinks she'd like to try with the one who just walked in the door. She's so caught off guard by him that she manages to spray a more than liberal amount of the latest men's scent on her forearm. On first once-over, he doesn't fit their usual customer, but she's only got a few days from which to form her opinion. She does, however, really like what she sees. It's not any one aspect of him that holds her interest; it's more the combination of things. And she doesn't know where to start… Okay, she does; Elise knows exactly where to start, knows exactly what caught her attention as he walked in. It's the way he moves; a combination between knowing exactly what he wants and being totally unaware of himself in that pursuit. A sort of lithe grace with just a smidgen of awkwardness. She shakes her head. She's gone on this man and she's supposed to be selling the perfumes and colognes. Chalk Stripe himself folds his arms across his barreled chest and sighs dramatically. For her effort, she knows. Elise wants to tell him that she isn't ignoring the clientele because other than Mr. No Name -- who her boss won't allow her to assist -- there are no customers. She remains silent and he moves off to position himself in the man's direct path, a small greeting smile already on Mr. Grovenor's face. Elise is now unabashedly leaning on the glass counter, having shoved the various bottles and decanters out of her way. She's cataloguing what she sees for future reference; as she does with all customers. It's only good business, she tries to convince herself. The feet are large; she can't miss them. Even the clunkiness of the laced work boots don't hide that fact. Her eyes quickly move upward; with professional scrutiny, no doubt. Upward to the nearly white-washed denim jeans that leave little to her imagination even though they bag at the knees and a bit at the back of his thighs. His hands are jammed in the pockets, tugging the thinned fabric across his backside. His high, firm and nicely rounded backside. If she were anywhere but a fine clothing establishment, she'd call a spade a spade; the man has a mighty fine ass. And his profile isn't half bad either, she notes, a slow blush making its way up her neck to her jawline and then her face. The tongue of the well-worn tan leather belt flops over his fly and Elise's face pinks more deeply as she quickly averts her eyes. She's probably gone a tad farther than cataloguing for professionalism at this point. A hunter green fine gauge crew neck cashmere sweater does nothing to hide his back. He's turned now, facing the upper rack of suit jackets as her boss checks the man's sleeve length with an old-fashioned yellow measuring tape. Mr. Grovenor measures; Elise would like to just plaster herself against the back of him and hold their arms out at shoulder height. She'd get his sleeve length, all right. The brass bell above the main door clinks twice. She knew it was too good to be true that she'd have uninterrupted time to gaze at this mystery man. Doing her best, knowing the boss has glanced in her direction, she shows the woman a few dress shirts. The woman touches the fabrics, murmuring to herself and Elise turns back toward the only other customer. He's looking right at her, a playfully puzzled, yet totally innocuous look on his face. She can't really tell the color of his eyes from this distance, but they glint in the overhead lighting. What she can see just fine is his mouth; especially his bottom lip. Her own lips part as she considers what nipping him there might feel like. She's nudged back to reality when her own customer asks her opinion on two shirts. Giving the woman her only partially divided attention, Elise catches a glimpse of Mr. No Name and Mr. Grovenor as they head toward the old-fashioned brass register. Thankfully, her boss pays her no mind as Elise watches their client comb his fingers through his chestnut hair that's a bit longer on top than it is in the back and at the sides. His sale complete, he takes the chocolate brown and gold bag from her boss and prepares to leave. Elise escorts her customer to the register. As she sets the shirts on the counter, she looks up to take the woman's credit card. And notices a disarming smile and knowing wink in her direction. Elise makes a mental note to ask Mr. Chalk Stripe Man for more weekend shifts. Finis ~**~**~**~ Challenge items: Scully or Other POV (i.e. Scully/other as the voyeur) can have Mulder doing anything pure description (i.e. little or no dialogue) It must be a new fic